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10 Compelling Reasons Why Your Small & Medium Scale Business Needs Website

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10 Reasons Why Your Business Needs Website – 2019 Going Forward

In this 21st century, one of the greatest error a small business owner can make is to think that only “big” businesses need websites.  A huge number of small/medium scale businesses are redundant because they have neglected the importance of having a website and having a strong web presence. Most of their competitors have already make that crucial move and are already ahead of them.

As a small business owner, you may also belong to the league of those who believe that your business does not need a website, that having a business website won’t add to your income stream or that the cost of having a business website is huge.  You might also be thinking that since neither you nor your customers use a laptop; having a website is a waste of money.  All these are misconceptions that will adversely affect the growth of your business in this digital age.

We have compiled a list showing the compelling reasons why you need a business website as a small business owner no matter the size of your business.

Open 24×7 – Available Round The Clock

The present age customers need something they can access anytime of the day anywhere they find themselves. With a well designed website, you won’t ever have to put up “close for business sign”.

Your local store or office cannot be open to 24/7/365 to respond to customers, but having a website helps you stay in touch with them anytime, anywhere.

Customers can check your website for your products or services you render. They can also go ahead to make purchase when you are not available physically. This will amount to more sales of products and services cos they can be accessed always on your website.

In some cases, you’ll need the support and experience of skilled web developer; whereas with a bit of smartness and research, you should be able to manage few things only your website.

Target a Wider Market

When you run an offline business, you only cater to a limited number of audience but this can dramatically change when you put your business online, you can target a wider audience. Think of all the people who can’t get to your brick and mortar store that you could sell your products to.

As earlier stated, a website helps your business to be accessible from anywhere across the globe provided there is Internet connection. As we speak, more than half the world uses Internet, you can target a much wider audience that might be interested in the products you offer or the services you provide.

Cost-Effective Solution

Most business owners wants to maximize profit with little investment. As a small business owner you’d probably think getting a professional website for your business is expensive, but you can’t afford NOT to. The cost of designing a business website varies but it is vital to your business growth this 21st century. If you consider the potential market you can reach with your website, it is a cost effective way to promote your business compared other means of promotion such as newspaper ad, radio jingles, brochures, flyers, billboards which are all limited to your locality.

Improves Credibility and Legitimacy of Your Brand

These days it is a common practice for customers to first use the Internet to search for products or services they need. If your business is displayed during their search, it gives your business more credibility and legitimacy. It is also believed that when you have a business website, your brand is real and isn’t fooling or misleading people.

Having a website also provide the information about your brand or business to visitors checking your website. Failure to have one transfers the competitive edge to your competitors who have a functioning website. If your small business is home-based; without any physical address, having a website is a must.

Capture More Customers

We are in the digital period where over 2.4 billion people use the Internet on daily basis and well over 90% of them make purchase online, reached out to a company/business, in the past 12 months. Not having a business website is like short-changing yourself.

Out-Smart Competitors – Competitive Edge

This is my take on how to actively and effectively compete in business; you’ll want to be everywhere your competitions are and offer better services than they do. It is that simple. Because your competitors have a business website, it is a worthy reason for you to have one as well.

The present age customer will first go online to research before buying any product or hiring any service-based business. If you don’t have a website and your competitors does, you are definitely aiding them take the lead. It also means that you are failing to keep up with the latest technology and giving up on making your business a success.

Resource Centre For Staff

Your business can also server a dual purpose. As it is serving your customers, it can also serve your employers as well. You can create a subdomain or sub-directory for your employees which can serve as a business resource centre that contains, instructional videos, guides, cheatsheets etc to foster customer relationship and improve sales.

Improves Customer Service

Another compelling reason for having a business website is that it serves as a a medium to communicate with your customers to find out how they feel about your services and how best to satisfy them.

You can improve customer service experience and interaction with your clients by having a dedicated customer support page on your website. This is affordable to run than phone service and it also caters for customers in another country.

Modern Customers Expect It

This is 2019 and the lives of most people have been digitized. The modern day customer is digitally driven. While still having conversation with you physically, via phone or through adverts, the next thing they do is jump on the Internet to check if you have online presence or not.

So, if your business falls short, I’ll recommend you get one because we are dealing with digital savvy customers who most times prefer you have a website before they take you serious.

Medium To Showcase Your Work

Regardless of the type of business you run, a website is an ideal place to showcase your work or your proficiency. You can have a gallery (image or video) of your works as well as testimonials from the various clients you have served. Your aim is to breath uniqueness and show to your potential customers why they should do business with you instead of your competitors.

Need help setting up a website for your business?

If you haven’t created a website for your business, you can do so at an affordable rate by partaking in the on-going web design promo for SMEs. Within the space of two weeks of getting all the required materials from you, your website will be live for all to see. ACT NOW!

On the other hand, do you have an existing website but you want to upgrade or give it a touch of professionalism, need maintenance; you can also get across to us.

We can also help increase your global reach and sales via digital marketing services.

Get started right now and you’ll be glad you did.

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